Guy thinks his ass is sore and shows it to the gay doctor who loves tight asses
My Red Ass

The best thing about doctors is that they know what is best for you! And as for these crazy doctors, they will examine you carefully, taking care of your dick, balls and ass! Visit them at!

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This site contains adult material. You MUST be an adult - 18 or 21 depending on the laws in your city, state, country or providence, to view this site. You must determine if it is legal for you to access this site from the computer you are on. We are NOT responsible for you accessing this site, and will NOT be held responsible for ANYTHING resulting from YOU accessing this site!
Hunk Hunter

Guys, spread on hospital beds, unable to move under
anesthesia are being fucked by nasty perverted doctors!

Gay Joker.Net :)
All models were at least 18 y.o. at the time of the depiction.